Women for Filipino Women and Children (WOW), International Women’s Alliance (IWA) – Netherlands and the Foundation for Filipino Children (Stichting voor Filippijnse Kinderen) cordially invite you to a WEBINAR Amidst DUTERTE’s “War on Drugs”: A mother’s search for… Lees verder
The mountainous countryside of Mindanao, Southern Philippines is home to the indigenous Lumad communities whose lives are constantly threatened by militarization and state-sponsored attacks. Through sheer determination and with the help of non-governmental organizations, they were able to… Lees verder
Tomorrow is gladiola day! The last day of the four-day marches… On the third day of the Vierdaagse Nijmegen, Kyle clocked in at 13:59 (even if he started relatively late at 7:50 in the morning). They were the… Lees verder
What started out as a very fine day for walking (Start time: 07:36)… …ended up with medium showers (End time: 14:00)!
On 19-22 July 2011, 14-year old Kyle G. Baleva will join the 95th International Four-Day Marches in Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. He will join about 45,000 participants and hike 30 kilometers per day for a total of 120… Lees verder
Laatst geüpdatet: 15 december 2023 door marianne
Support the Lumad children and students
Newsletter December 2023 We would like to start off the newsletter with an update on the Filipino children’s book “De legende van de waterdraak”. The Legend of the water dragon, is a middle grade (ages 9-12) book, written… Lees verder