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De legende van de waterdraak

Support Save Our Schools Network, #OwnVoices authors, and get a great read by purchasing De legende van de waterdraak!

Liway woont in de Filippijnen op het eiland Mindanao. Haar oma is een van de belangrijkste leiders van de Lumad, een inheemse bevolkingsgroep. Zij strijdt voor het behoud van het grondgebied van haar stam. Liway is dol op haar oma, maar ziet ook dat ze zich veel zorgen maakt. Leonie woont meer dan tienduizend kilometer ver weg, in Nederland. Leonie en Liway ontmoeten elkaar voor de eerste keer als Leonie met haar ouders tijdens de zomervakantie op het eiland is om de school van Liway te ondersteunen. Leonies oma is nog niet zo lang geleden overleden en Leonie vindt het erg fijn om met Liways oma te praten. Maar op een dag gebeurt er iets wat niemand had verwacht, zeker Leonie niet…

Liway lives in the Philippines on the island of Mindanao. Her grandmother is one of the main leaders of the Lumad, an indigenous people group. She fights to preserve her tribe’s territory. Liway adores her grandmother, but also sees that she is very worried. Leonie lives more than ten thousand kilometers away, in the Netherlands. Leonie and Liway meet for the first time when Leonie and her parents are on the island during the summer holidays to support Liway’s school. Leonie’s grandmother passed away not so long ago and Leonie really enjoys talking to Liway’s grandmother. But one day something happens that no one expected, especially Leonie…

De legende van de waterdraak is a middle grade (ages 9-12) book written by authors Isolde Boers and Ilena Saturay, and illustrated by Ilena Saturay. Inspired by the Filipino children’s book Sayaw ng Pantaron, and based on the life of Lumad leader Bai Bibyaon, Isolde Boers and Ilena Saturay wrote a story that tells about the Lumad struggle; the struggle for self-determination and education that revolves around the legend of the waterdragon and based on true stories through the adventures of two girls, Leonie and Liway.

The book began as a non-profit project in agreement with Dutch Venture Publishing. All proceeds from the sales of the book will be transferred to our partner Save Our Schools Network for paying the rent, food, transportation and school supplies for the Lumad students who remain to seek sanctuary in the University of the Philippines in Quezon City, due to militarization in their home communities.

Purchase Info

Hardcover copies are available for purchase directly from the Foundation; send us an email through inquire@filipinochildren.net to order your hardcover copy! Hardcover copies will also be sold at the book launch on 5 November 2022. Click here for more information about the book launch event.

The book is also available as hardcover, ebook and audiobook from the following online retailers: